Cheryl's Spot on the Web - since September 1, 1997
Now at

Cheryl's Travel Page


This page documents travel that can be displayed on a map (or, if you download the KML/GPX files, can by displayed by any application that can read them). The Family Vacation section is under construction. Note that, within this section of the website, “GPS” means any satellite-based navigation/location system, not specifically just the U.S. satellites.

NOTE: Delays in updates until further notice

Because of our impending move from Oklahoma to Maine, and the tasks involved, updates to this website, including these travel logs, will be slow or nonexistent until the move is complete...probably sometime in 2025.

GPS Tracks

Long-distance Travel


Maine (Jan) (Coming soon!), Maine (Apr) (Coming soon!), Maine (Jun) (Coming soon!), Maine (Sep) (Coming soon!), Maine (Oct) (Coming soon!), Maine (Dec) (Coming soon!)


Maine (Feb) (Under construction), Maine (Apr) (Under construction), Maine (Jun) (Under construction), California (Under construction), Maine (Sep) (Under construction), Maine (Oct) (Under construction), Maine (Nov/Dec) (Under construction),


Illinois (Feb), Maine (Apr), Maine (Jul), Illinois (Aug) (New!), Maine (Aug) (New!), Maine (Oct) (Under construction), Maine (Nov) (Under construction), Maine (Dec) (Under construction)


Illinois, Maine


Illinois, Maine


Nebraska, South Dakota, New England, Texas/New Mexico (Guadalupe N. P.)


District of Columbia, Ohio, New Mexico/Big Bend, Maine


Pacific Northwest, Illinois, Nebraska, Maine


Canadian Rockies, Maine & Maritimes, Singapore


Scandinavia, New Mexico, Maine, Texas (Corpus Christi)


Utah/Colorado, Minnesota, Maine


Alaska/Yukon, Arkansas/Eastern Oklahoma, Illinois, Hawaii


Illinois, Maine (Autumn), New Mexico/Texas, Florida


Ontario (Toronto area), New England (Autumn)


Alaska/Yukon, New England/Maritimes, Hawaii




Louisiana, Spain



Other Hiking

Acadia National Park and vicinity...All hiking/walking/canoeing/biking on Mount Desert Island, Maine (2011 through 2021, excluding in-town walking): GPX, view map (Newly updated: 2022-02-24)

Elk Mountain, Comanche County, Oklahoma, USA, September 23, 2012: GPX, view map

Charon Garden Wilderness/Post Oak Lake, Comanche County, Oklahoma, USA, April 28, 2013: GPX, view map

Dog Run Hollow/Longhorn Trail, Comanche County, Oklahoma, USA, April 28, 2013: GPX, view map

The Narrows, Comanche County, Oklahoma, USA, August 13, 2016: GPX, view map

Charon Garden Wilderness/Post Oak Falls & Lake, Comanche County, Oklahoma, USA, April 23, 2017: GPX, view map

Special Places

Farthest north, south, etc. (on the ground):

Farthest from "home" (in this case, it's Norman, Oklahoma, USA) I've ever been: (1.2522° N, 103.8182° E, in Singapore on 2016-12-01). Distance: 15,408 km, or about 77% of the way to the opposite side of the Earth. This is the same location as the farthest south point. (Based on GPS track.)

Family Vacations of Yesteryear

(Under construction)

NOTE: Because of changes with Google Maps, these maps are currently not displayable there. The maps are now displayed on OpenStreetMaps maps, but do not show the correct colors (see next paragraph), and the waypoints do not show labels.

[Does not currently work] The color scheme is such that red lines are outbound, and green lines are returning home (similar to the standard velocity color scheme for WSR-88D weather radars). The lines alternate light/dark each day.

North America State/Province/Territory Visits

Updated 2025-01-03

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